Under the Theme „speech-,sound- and light-space“ artwork is created in and with rooms of an old house in Linz.
Light, as a medium allows the artist to produce geometric, flexible forms. The shapes change as the viewers move. Certain positions create playful inversions of the three-dimensional effects.
Move vewers too close to the Geometric Bodies their own shape is seen and the three-dimensional body falls into ist parts.The colors of the three bodies, the movement of the green body and the reflection of all three bodys on the dark floor create a special atmosphere in the room.
In a windowless white room, three geometric shapes are produced by different light-filters in slide projectors. The different filters create forms and give the objects outline, color, and three-dimensional quality. The corners of the room accentuate the perceived three-dimensionality of the bodies. The color intensity of the bodies is controlled with the filters. An electric motor sets one of the slide projectors in motion, moving one of the objects over three walls. The size, focus, and form of this body changes with motion, as projection distance and angle vary. As the moving body meets another projected body, different colors are created where they meet. The resulting color is lighter because white light is the combination of all colors.
The shapes of the geometric bodies are connected with the room they are shown in. The green object has the same proportion as the room itself. The pink body is created from the green object with a diagonal cut and then joining the two new shapes into one. The orange body is created from the pink object with a horizontal cut and again joining the parts in a new manner.
Light, as a medium allows the artist to produce geometric, flexible forms. The shapes change as the viewers move. Certain positions create playful inversions of the three-dimensional effects. The colors of the three bodies create a special atmosphere in the room.